Hızlı Bağlantılar

Human Resources
Human Resources

Purpose of the Policy: To create an employee profile that believes in teamwork, fulfills its responsibilities in the desired quality and on time, abides by all ethical rules while achieving its goals, is innovative, open to change, and has a high social responsibility and environmental awareness.

Our policy

- Choosing the human resources of our company among those who have high development, competence suitable for the job, and will adopt and keep alive the company values,

- To create training opportunities and opportunities that increase the contribution of our employees to the company targets by ensuring their continuous development, and their success and efficiency in their duties,

- To evaluate and encourage our employees' success and working performance at work,

- Conducting Employee Satisfaction Surveys (ÇMA) in order to measure and continuously improve the motivation and satisfaction of our employees,

- Creating a professional work environment and career development opportunities for our employees,

- Keeping the performance of our employees at the highest level supported by training determined by the performance management system,

- To encourage our employees to work in teams and to create suitable environments, - To enable our employees to present creative and innovative ideas.

Internship Opportunities

Students who want to do an internship in our company can apply by filling out our Internship Application Form. Our Human Resources Department chooses among the applications according to the number of students requested and their occupational groups, the qualifications to be sought in students (knowledge, skills, foreign language, computer experience) and the quotas determined in line with the content of the project-based studies that can be given.

Since these applications exceed the available quotas, it is prioritized that the student must be studying in the last year and having to do an internship.

Recruitment Process

The purpose of our Human Resources Recruitment process;

To recruit people who are in line with our Human Resources Policy, who have the behavioral and professional knowledge and skills necessary for open positions in our organizational structure, who are innovative, who are open to teamwork and continuous self-improvement.

Our Competency Based Recruitment and Placement System

As Trakim Construction Chemicals, "Competency Based Recruitment and Placement" process is operated to select candidates who have the potential to carry us into the future.
A competency-based interview is conducted with the candidate by the Human Resources department.
Technical Interviews; Compliance of the candidate with the job description and technical expectations of the position is evaluated as a result of the interview by the relevant department manager.
Personality inventory and English exams can be applied to candidates who are evaluated as positive after the interviews.
After the reference checks of the candidates who are successful in the stages, a job offer is made.